New Chapter Perfect Prenatal


New Chapter Perfect Prenatal


New Chapter Perfect Prenatal

Product Details

  • Product Dimensions: 3 x 3 x 5.6 inches

  • Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

  • Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.


  • UPC: 727783003171

By : New Chapter
List Price : $81.95
Price : $37.08
You Save : $44.87 (55%)
New Chapter Perfect Prenatal

Product Description

Size: 192
Perfect Prenatal whole-food multivitamin, including targeted levels of whole-food folate, is formulated specifically to nourish mother and baby.

Product Features

  • Multi vitamins + herbs + minerals

  • Cultured, organic, and safe for pregnancy herbal blend combine whole foods and Class 1 herbs with live probiotics to support a healthy pregnancy

  • Once-per-meal formula is easy-to-take, easy-to-digest, and can be taken anytime ? even on an empty stomach!

Customer Reviews

I had been taking a prenatal vitamin prescribed by my doctor for two years, because I told her my husband and I were planning on having a family relatively soon. I never noticed a big energy difference, or really any difference at all in how I felt. I began to research switching prenatals once I found out I was pregnant, because I still felt undernourished even while eating healthy, taking vitamins, and exercising. After asking around I decided to buy these after hearing positive reviews from friends who had just had babies, and talking to my doctor.
Within three days to a week of taking them, I was shocked at how much of an energy increase I noticed, and how much my mood and overall well-being increased. It was almost like I was truly awake and alive for the first time in years. I was almost hyper at first, but it was a welcomed change to feeling sluggish and tired constantly. After a couple weeks I no longer felt hyper at all, just much healthier, happier, and more energetic.
After reading the reviews on here, I became slightly concerned about these vitamins not passing the dissolve test. I decided to do a little research. New Chapter explains why these do not pass the test, and why it does not take away from the nutritional value in our body.
Here is a response to someone else who asked the same question:
"Thank you for your inquiry and for your interest in New Chapter supplements. Probiotic Nutrients, including Perfect Prenatal, are not your standard vitamin and mineral isolates. They are whole food! Because each tablet contains 30% protein and because we do not add chemical excipients to aid in their breakdown (a requirement for organic certification), they generally take longer than USP nutrients to dissolve, however, they always disintegrate within an acceptable amount of time with respect to the USP standards.
When claims were made in 2005 that New Chapter's Perfect Prenatal failed dissolution testing by Consumer Labs, New Chapter's president, Tom Newmark, was invited to defend the perfect status of our prenatal vitamin in an interview with CNN. He explained that New Chapter subjects each and every batch of our Probiotic Nutrients to standard USP disintegration testing and has the passing test results available for consumers to see. (For a complete description of this testing method, please see the attached document.) The station later removed our name from their website after documentation proved the claims made were unjustified. Since then, other news stations and publications have picked up the original story, but have failed to report it in full.
Additionally, Perfect Prenatal has been accused of not disintegrating when placed in a glass of warm vinegar. This kind of test is inappropriate for testing what happens when you swallow a complex whole food product such as ours. Remember, the pH of the stomach is around 1, while that of vinegar is 3-4. Additionally, HCL isn't the only thing responsible for breaking down and liberating nutrients from their natural protein binding in food; proteolytic enzymes also play an essential role, not to mention the fact that contractions of stomach muscles churns it all together to make a food slurry called chyme.
The `vinegar test' is designed for the isolated nutrients bound together by chemical binders. So, while it may be fun to watch chemical forms of vitamins dissolve in a glass of vinegar, you would be waiting a very long time, perhaps even forever, for a carrot or a piece of spinach or blueberries to dissolve in this fashion.
As New Chapter's Quality Control Director, Brad Marr, explains, "The test method used by the TV station could very well hold the product together. Vinegar and water solution could result in a pH at or near the protein's iso-electric point, similar to the curdling of cheese. A better performance comparison to our products would have been a chunk of cheddar cheese, a piece of steak, or a type of food with a similar protein, fat and carbohydrate make-up."
In addition to this standard disintegration testing, New Chapter has worked with an independent laboratory to create a testing procedure that more closely replicates what happens in the stomach environment (proteolytic enzymes and pH 1 HCL solution). All samples tested by using this method confirm that Probiotic Nutrients disintegrate well within the typical human stomach/intestine digestion time. Furthermore, a longer disintegration time is a good thing, nutrients are best utilized within the body over longer periods of time, rather than in the short spikes that isolated nutrients provide, which flood the body with single nutrients and can result in biphasic activity (including possible side effects).
We hope this information has quelled any concern. As the only organic whole food prenatal in the world, we think you have chosen the best and safest prenatal that has ever been."

The only con that I THOUGHT I had about these pills is that you had to take them 3 times a day and sometimes I would forget. But I found out you can take 3 pills at the same time- only one time a day. (I spoke to New Chapter) And it's not difficult because they are so easy on the stomach.
Just thought everyone would like to know.
New Chapter Perfect Prenatal


New Chapter Perfect Prenatal


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